High-speed designs use digital components with very fast edge rates in their output signals which can be subjected to significant distortion and degradation creating high bit-error-rates and lower data throughput.  Insertion and reflection losses, crosstalk and impedance mismatch, are all factors, amongst others, influencing the integrity of a transmitted signal.

Empower’s E-CAP silicon capacitors provide wide bandwidth low impedance highly stable decoupling capacitors capable of being placed close and even integrated into an SoC substrate.

Empower Semiconductor is developing power management solutions enabling full unrestricted speed and performance of the latest xPUs.

  • High power density
  • High bandwidth conversion
  • Low power distribution losses
  • Vertical Power

The ability to process data and perform complex calculations at high speeds has been intensified in recent years by leaps in technologies such as artificial intelligence, 3-D imaging and autonomous driving. These technologies have exacerbated the need for faster and more complex processors and architectures.

Equipment designed to operate within a high magnetic field environment can experience power failures or abnormal operating conditions due to the force the magnetic field imposes on ferromagnetic material-based electronics.

Moreover, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices can record false or distorted images due to the inferences from such electronics. Empower’s IVRs regulators use non-ferromagnetic air-core inductors ideal for operating in harsh magnetic environments.

Data being communicated and processed around the globe is rapidly growing, driving the need for a new generation of faster data processing components and elements in data centers and datacom equipment.

Empower Semiconductor offers novel fully integrated power management solutions that both increase performance and solve the power density challenge of space-constrained data-intensive applications.

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System-on-Modules (SOMs) and Computer-on-Modules (CoMs) provide all components of an embedded processing system (processors, communication interfaces, memory blocks, power management, etc.) on a single production-ready printed circuit board (PCB). This modular approach makes them ideal for embedding into a variety of end systems and applications.Empower’s IVRs provide high-density configurable multi-rails regulators enabling rapid and flexible prototyping.

Chiplet architectures are rapidly gaining popularity over monolithic designs in developing complex SoCs. While providing increased performance, design flexibility and upgradability, they do, however, require more complex power management and PCB routing.

Empower’s IVRs can be integrated as an additional chiplet into an SoC increasing the power delivery efficiency and simplifying PCB routing.


Empower Semiconductor的成立是为了解决数据密集型应用的电源交付中的基本问题。传统电源解决方案需要数十个分立元件,这些元件具有较大的占位面积,复杂的设计,并且在响应时间短且不准确的情况下无法有效地提供电源。

Empower的获得专利的IVR技术将多个组件集成到单个IC中,从而提高了效率,占地面积减小了10倍,并以前所未有的简单性,速度和准确性以及零分立组件提供了强大的电源。这项IVR技术可为$ 10B商机提供广泛的应用,包括移动,5G,AI和数据中心。该公司总部位于加利福尼亚州米尔皮塔斯(San Jose),由一支经验丰富的电源专家和高管团队领导。

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蒂姆·菲利普斯(Tim Phillips)在其从事半导体行业的25年职业生涯中,在创造可盈利成果的同时建立了创新的电源管理业务,拥有令人印象深刻的业绩记录。自2014年创立Empower以来,Tim曾担任公司的首席运营官和销售与营销高级副总裁。Tim曾担任英飞凌北美区副总裁,在该公司负责超过6亿美元的业务。年销售额。此前,Tim在国际整流器公司(International Rectifier)创立了Enterprise Power BU,担任副总裁兼总经理,使该业务的年收入增长到1.5亿美元以上。 Tim拥有罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)的MBA和BSEE学位。他拥有17项美国专利,还有其他几项正在申请中。


Trey Roessig为Empower半导体工程团队带来了20多年的经验,并在电源和混合信号设计方面拥有25项美国专利。 Trey担任CTO和SVP工程总监,管理着一个由模拟,数字,电源和系统架构师组成的团队。此前,他曾在各种规模的公司中担任过技术和业务职务,从Integrated Micro Instruments的联合创始人(被Analog Devices收购)到Volterra Semiconductor的工程总监再到ADI电源管理业务部总经理。他拥有博士学位。来自加州大学伯克利分校的机械工程/控制与动态系统专业。


Peter Huang在Empower担任运营高级副总裁,拥有超过25年的运营和技术开发经验。 Peter曾在Innovium担任运营副总裁,在TSMC担任现场技术支持和市场营销副总裁,并在Broadcom担任高级工艺开发和产品工程技术总监。 Peter还在LSI / Augusta和Conexant担任运营和技术管理职务。 Peter拥有10多项专利,并获得了博士学位。和BS Berkeley的工程学士学位


Kurt Redfield担任Empower的首席财务官(CFO)。他拥有超过25年的财务管理经验,并曾在多家全球高科技公司担任CFO / COO。这些公司包括Libre Wireless(印度),Plextek(英国),Simfy(德国),BridgeCo(瑞士),Neartek(法国),并代表Kurt向Benchmark,Advent,Wellington,Accel,Earlybird等投资者募集了2.5亿美元的风险投资。 ,ETF,富达,WTI和三星。 Redfield先生拥有哥伦比亚大学的MBA学位和圣约翰学院的哲学学士学位。


吉恩·谢里丹(Gene Sheridan)在电源管理和半导体领域拥有30多年的经验。 Gene目前是Navitas Semiconductor的首席执行官,Navitas Semiconductor是业内第一家也是唯一的GaN Power IC公司。 Gene曾担任过由VC支持的IC初创公司BridgeCo的首席执行官,在无线音频市场中占有80%的市场份额,实现了非凡的收入和利润增长,并最终将公司出售给SMSC。在加入BridgeCo之前,Gene是国际整流器公司(International Rectifier)的副总裁兼总经理,他管理着一个年收入6亿美元的业务部门,服务于消费者,移动和企业市场。在IRF,Gene曾担任多个职位,涉及工程,制造,销售和市场营销,并负责创建年收入7000万美元的初创企业。吉恩拥有克拉克森大学的电子工程学士学位。


David Lidsky拥有20多年的电源管理经验,并拥有超过35项美国专利。 David之前曾在Empower担任CTO和SVP工程。在创立Empower之前,David是Volterra Semiconductor的联合创始人兼设计工程副总裁。 David在沃尔泰拉(Volterra),通过公司的IPO并最终以6亿美元的价格出售给Maxim,成功管理了过去20年来最成功的电源启动技术的各个方面。 David拥有加州大学伯克利分校的集成电路设计硕士学位和博士学位。